Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage
Get Energizing, Restoring Care from Our Massage Therapists
Experience a Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage
60 min. $ 135 | 75 min. $ 155 | 90 min. $ 185
Call & Book Now – (808) 769-5212
What is Lomi Lomi?
Lomi Lomi Massage is an ancient Hawaiian Healing Art combining Aloha, Love, Pule (Prayer), and Massage.
It incorporates broad fluid strokes of forearms and hands to activate the flow of mana (life force energy) for physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
Modern Lomi Lomi is practiced in countless different ways and styles vary greatly because each Island, family and ‘school’ have their own methods, techniques and approach to this healing touch.
For the most part, the many styles incorporate variations of these practices:
- Use of Loving Touch
- Prayer (Pule)
- The Practitioner’s Commitment to Healing and Self-Care
- Ho’oponono
- Connecting of Nature, Humanity and Spirit
- Use of Ha (Breath)
Benefits of Lomi Lomi Massage
- Improves your circulation and immune response
- Increase range of your motion and flexibility in muscle and joints
- Lowers your blood pressure and slows heart rate
- Improves your posture and speeds healing
The use of flowing strokes relaxes your entire being, allowing your mana to flow freely. Your muscles relax, allowing your mental, emotional and spiritual self to heal as energy blockages are removed and new energy pathways are created.
Lomi Lomi helps restore harmony in your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual selves. Gentle stretching of the body and joint rotations can help release energy blockages.
Lomi Lomi and Aloha
Aloha defines the essence of the Hawaiian people. It means more than hello and goodbye. Aloha has a deeper meaning which is the joyful sharing of life energy.
To love and to nurture, to accept and to forgive. It is our connection to the source of all life which connects to each other.
Pohaku Wela (Hot Stones Massage)
Pohaku Wela intensify the work of Lomi Lomi through the use of heated stones to soften and relax the muscles.
It feels like the hands of the therapist, the warm oil and the pohaku all merge into one.
60 min. $160 | 90 min. $220
Call & Book Now – (808) 769-5212
Contact us now to make an appointment and feel the unmistakable benefits of Lomi Lomi. You’ll thank yourself for doing it.
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